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Name Lief and Icarus: Hovering
Producer Shibari Nightfall
Time Saturday 10th of February 2024, 1:00 pm–4:00 pm (PST)
Location Subspace, Tukwila
Category Education
This event is 18+ only.

Lief and Icarus: Hovering

Sold Out!

Shibari Nightfall is excited to announce a weekend with Lief and Icky! Join them Saturday afternoon for partials. Pre-requisites apply!


Tickets will be available at 7:30am on December 20th, 2023. $150 a tying pair

Hovering: Exploring Partials

Partials can be deceptively challenging but are a limitless point of exploration at every stage in your rope journey. In this class, Lief and Icky will teach some of their favorite harnesses such as their calf binder and hug harness as well as methods for effective upline management for partials. Come explore a variety of shapes and sequences designed to blend both connection and aesthetics. These shapes and sequences will include opportunities for comfort and adaptability, torsions, and predicaments that include mouth rope, hair rope, and crotch rope.

Kind of Class: Partial suspension, hands-on, and demo
Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Prerequisites: Tops should have foundational knowledge of and hands on experience in suspension, including using non-collapsing single column ties, sustainable harnesses and functional uplines. Bottoms should have good body awareness in suspension. This should not be your first suspension class as a top OR a bottom.
Materials needed:

  • Rope - 8 to 12 hanks of jute or hemp preferred, synthetic works fine.
  • Suspension gear including hardpoint gear and carabiners. Lief will be teaching on a suspension ring.
  • Cutting Tool. Make sure you bring a cutting tool for safety. If you do not have a cutting tool, you will not be able to participate in the exercises.

About the Presenters
LIEF BOUND (They/Them)
Lief Bound is a full time rope artist and educator based in San Francisco, California. They have been obsessed with rope even before getting the chance to pick it up and now they can’t put it down. They got their start in the Boston scene attending rope cons such as Bound in Boston and FIRE. Since moving to Los Angeles, they have grown to become a part of the local community teaching classes, private lessons, and creating queer kink art. They’ve taught for Tethered Together, Dark Odyssey, Rope Craft, and Shibari Study. Lief is excited to share their passion with you.
Lief is available for group classes, privates, private sessions, and photoshoots. Email to book!
Insta: @liefboundropes
Twiter: @liefbound
Fet: Lief

ICKY (They/Them)
Icky is a queer, non-binary, switchy pain enthusiast who started their rope bottoming exploration in 2013. Their teaching has developed in kink in tandem with their career in social services, focusing on intersectionality and exploring power dynamics in consent negotiations. Icarus now resides in Los Angeles where they are most passionate about building systems of community care and creating queer performance art with their kink family. They have had the pleasure of teaching sharps at Voxbody and rope for Shibari Study and multiple conventions.
Fet: hedonist_queer
Insta: @hedonist_queer

General Rule
As with all our events, the producers of this (and particularly the instructors) have the right to interrupt your tying if it is not deemed safe for the level of class. If you are asked not to tie or participate in a certain part of the class, you will not be issued a refund. Please read pre-requisites closely prior to purchasing.

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